We offer a Thorough Tango Instruction program for those wishing to approach tango in a more serious and meaningful manner, be it with the aim of becoming a professional dancer or simply to be part of a structured course overseen by an expert. This Thorough Tango Instruction lasts about 2 years on average and leads to securing a General Certificate. It is divided into two stages and can be undertaken at any given time of the year.
A first year of general instruction (9hours a week for 12 months) takes on the following syllabus:
Compulsory courses: Basic Ballroom Tango Intermediate Ballroom Tango Advanced Ballroom Tango Integrated techniques I (physical training) Dance styles: Milonga Waltz Methods Music for tango dancers Tango history |
Elective courses: Theoretical Research: Essays and published articles Choreographic Research: (must have validated Advanced Ballroom Tango) productions, exhibitions and involvement in public events. |
A second year of specialization (6 hours a week for 9 months) requires choosing one of the following two areas:
TEACHER TRAINING Teaching Approaches and Pedagogy I, II, III Integrated Techniques II and Theory of Movement Teaching Practices I, II, III Theoretical Research: Essays Published artcles |
PERFORMANCE AND CHOREOGRAPHY Choreographic Composition in Tango Workshop I, II, III Integrated Techniques II Parteners, tricks, leaps and effects Choreographic Design: scripts, music, space, wardrobe, lighting, scenography Choreographic Research: productions and exhibitions |
The duration of the program depends on the students learning and progress. Furthermore, if a student can’t attend classes for the minium 6 to 9 hours a week, it is possible to reduce the weekly hour load by extending the overall length of the program.
*All of the subjects may be taken individually outside of the Thorough Tango Instruction framework. Ask about the classes you are particularly interested in.
*The certificates delivered are not backed by the ministry of education. Nevertheless, they do carry the weight and renown of the Escuela del Tango, which has, for the last 26 years, trained professional dancers as well as dance teachers who live from their craft in Buenos Aires as well as all around the world. Some of our graduates are:
Marina Carranza